tl;dr: In 2018 I started practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The year 2020 was not amazing for martial arts due to the pandemic, but I managed to progress nonetheless and I received my first belt promotion.
tl;dr: I visited Ristiina, a smallish Finnish village, on August 10, 2020 with my wife. This blog post is a brief summary of that trip.
Here’s something I’ve only just now learned: AWS S3 is just about the best thing imaginable for hosting static websites.
In the previous installation of this blog, I described a sort of personal project of mine: to carefully re-evaluate my IT consuming habits in the light of the recent NSA leaks, and to try and take reasonable steps towards improving my privacy.
A few weeks ago I realized I can no longer stomach the NSA revelations and that I have to do something about it.